Ross Robertson

Key Stats
Port Clinton, Ohio
Night Fishing and Ice Fishing for Walleye, but I am a closet Smallmouth Freak
Honestly, just being able to make my complete living fishing for more than 20yrs. During that time I have wrote a best selling book, co produced and hosted a TV show, published over 1,000 articles, popular podcast, multi boat guide service, having designed dozens of products that are still on the shelf today and won a few derb's back in the day to mention a few
Fishing is a 24/7 gig, but hunting and travel to reset.
About Ross
Capt. Ross Robertson has made his complete living as a full time professional angler for more than 20 years. Through the years, he has worn many hats including time as a fishing guide, boat salesman, TV host, outdoor writer, product designer, tournament fisherman, speaker, radio host and podcaster to name a few. The Bigwater team fishes ice-out to ice-up on the Great Lakes. They spend the majority of the year chasing walleye on Lake Erie’s Western and Central basins and call Port Clinton, Ohio home base for most of the season.